Monday 30 July 2012

Brandon Generator (among other things)

( <- Brandon Generator website.

Dear Reader.

Do you ever feel there are slightly too many stories where the main characters are writers with no money and/or writers block? If you're looking for a really good one I recommend "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" by George Orwell if you can read it and still want to be a writer then there's a chance studying to be a writer won't break your spirit and destroy your life. Anyway I digress, it kind of makes sense that they would. If you believe you have nothing to write about start, by writing about a character who believes he has nothing to write about.

Brandon Generator is one of the odder ones I've seen (web address at the top) it kind of reminds me of this writer called "Ben Moor" in it's ability to play with words and I think its narrated by the guy from "The Mighty Boosh" (look them up they're funny and weird). The idea was that people saw the episode every week and then they'd send in their ideas as to how the story would continue (there was a similar idea on BBC 7/Radio 4extra (depending on your era) called "Chain Gang" which I recommend you keep an eye out for) and like many things in life I've only discovered it quite a while after it was popular. If hipsters really want to avoid being mainstream the answer is not to be cutting edge and pretend to be the leaders of the mainstream instead it is better to remain loyal to things and rediscover things even after mainstream has finished playing with them. There speaks the voice of the youngest of three.

Looking back on this post I kind of realise that for everything it does I can find something else that has already done it and I don't know what that means. Does that make it bad? No. I enjoyed all these things pretty much equally. What it does mean though that I have an annoying mind that can remember these things and recognise them as recycled pasterns and point them out to me before I have the chance to enjoy it but on the plus side I have just manage to cover this post as one giant Amazon "If you enjoy this bit then you might enjoy this" style review of something that I found genuinely entertaining. The good thing about talking to you through the internet is that you already have at your finger tips the largest referencing system in the history of the world. I can say that one of the few things I know in Latin is "nolite te bastardes carborundorum" and that I first heard it in a book called "The Handmaid's Tale" and if you're intrigued you can go look it up without it being a problem.

This is Ben Moor if you're intrigued

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