Saturday 18 August 2012

The clever Spider

Dear Reader.

All this week every evening my bedroom ceiling has been absolutely covered with midges now there is one fat spider.

I love spiders, because I hate flies.

There's actually a philosophical question about spiders and light bulbs.

You're walking down the street at night and you look up at the street lamps above you and you notice there are spiders webs hanging from them, completely dripping with midges and one fat Spider and as you go along you realise that lots of the spiders are doing this and they're all getting very fat.

now there are a few ways of interpreting this I won't say these are the only ones it's just something to think about (I suppose you could comment if you can think of any more). Here are some.

1.  These are very clever Spiders who, either by speeded evolution or with something like Pavlov's dog (Pavlov's Spider), have learnt to spin their webs every night in the same place so the midges (their food) who are drawn to the light will get caught in their's web because there is an association between the light and getting food.
2. The only webs you see are the ones that are in the light and there are equally fat and successful spiders in the shadows. The only way to know would be to check the area.
3. All the spiders choose their place completely randomly however the ones who build in the light are successful but may never learn to associate light with food and the next night they return to the shadows and go hungry. They aren't clever at all, they're just incredibly stupid and for one mystifying night, incredibly lucky.

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