Monday 13 August 2012

"No." don't "bring it back!"

Dear Reader.

Its been a horrible week in Britain we've all been brought into that unpleasant world that we'd all rather leave to some other person to clean up or worse simply ignore. People have done horrible things to innocent people and children. It is monstrous. Which is why of course people post things like this with things like "who agrees?", "like or comment if you agree!" and we say just hang them or even some of us say "hanging's too good for them" torture them burn them then kill them. We say all these things on our computers behind our screens with no sense of, well I suppose reality might be the word, don't we? Do you know what I wrote in the comments for this? Between all the table banging the roaring angry arguments (often with nobody in particular) there lies for ever one, simple one word statement from me;


For so many reasons "No." not only for moral reasons over whether we should fall to their levels, is murdering murderers justice or simply revenge and if it is should law be driven by that or something higher? But also I would argue that its wrong for a much more practical reason. Sometimes courts are wrong, sometimes new evidence is found and the person is found to be innocent (though with many cases it seems incredibly obvious) but a pardon for a wrongly executed man is little use to him or his family members and there are people wrongly imprisoned and executed for murder and to say they exist doesn't make the guilty any less guilty but the phrase "within reasonable doubt" says that it is as terrible a crime (if not more so) for the state to kill an innocent man as it for it to let a guilty one go free.

By the way that "No." comment got one "like" from someone and it is one of the pieces of writing I am most proud of.

Here's Jeremy Irons talking much more eloquently than I ever could for Amnesty International.

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