Dear Reader.
I was at the freashers activity fair today hwhich was a bit pointless because it was the same groups as there was last year. But I wash there partly because I was bored and partly because I was looking to see if they had finally established an SCM group because I never want to go back to CU and SCM are generally a bit more liberal, and there was all sorts of groups including the pole-dancing club (people who pole dance not a club where you go see people pole dance you understand) so I was trying to steer clear of that because of the growing crowd of Blokes either staring blankly at the "demonstration" or trying to chat the girls up and I was worried the floor was getting sticky (I know for allot people its not just about sex and all that, but for Blokey freshers just out of Sixth form, it is). And I kept looking and looking for the religious groups becuse they're usually all in the same room and I couldn't find them and I suddenly realised why. Because slap bang in the middle of all the religious groups (and nothing else) from CathSoc to the Islamic Society was placed the Pole Dancing club of Sheffield.
It was such an awkward moment of realisation when you see these women standing in this sea of religious people glaring and almost audibly thinking "are you testing me Satan?". I had to leave because I just got the giggles.
Now I hate to make generalisations about religious people because as I've already said they're often wrong and have people who are strongly the exception to the rule. I don't know what kind of Venn Diagram you could make of students who are strongly religious and students who want to take up pole-dancing but I bet the segment where it crosses over is pretty small compared to, maybe religious people who are politically active and even if there are lots of them I doubt they want to make it a one stop shop and sign up for it in front of all the other religious students. I'd imagine very few people think when they're talking to someone from the CU "oh that reminds me I need to sign up for pole-dancing" so what fresh madness possessed the organisers to do this what link do they have that I just don't get? Especially since in one of the other rooms was almost every other kind of dancing!
They didn't have CSM (*shakes fist*) so I suppose I'm going to have to be a godless heathen for the year and only hang around with Christians on Sundays.
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